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Home » Re-Thinking Church- How many of God’s sheep can we Shepherd?

Re-Thinking Church- How many of God’s sheep can we Shepherd?

In this Re-thinking Church moment Greg and Pat share how it’s going to take a whole lot of Pastors who are in it for the right reason and who have autonomy to care for God’s sheep and protect them, give them wisdom and keep them safe.  It’s going to take believers who love God and want to do the right thing before God.  Jethro, in the Bible, gave his son in law, Moses, wisdom when he saw himself ragged trying to care for all of God’s people on his own.  He broke them down into groups of fifties and hundreds.  Today, maybe what we are seeing is that some pastors today are really apostles and may need raise up leaders to look after a few.  If you are called to be involved and over this many you may be apostolic, study the life of the Apostles in the book of Acts. 

Courtesy of f9photos/shutterstock.com

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