Third Great Awakening It’s Coming but There is price
Every great harvest begins with the breaking and toiling of hard soil. Greg, John, and Pat share about the process involved to reap the harvest of a Third Great Awakening. Greg shares the process the soil must take before a harvest can be produced and likens it to the process that must take place in the heart and the soil of men for the Kingdom of God to grow. The kingdom of God; like a seed on hard soil, a hard heart produces nothing but neither does broken soil or a broken heart without the seed of the Kingdom of God. Both scenarios produce nothing. It’s only through the perfect mixture of a broken and contrite heart and the planting of the seed of the Kingdom of God and water, through Jesus’ teachings, that a harvest can begin to grow and the Kingdom of God can advance. We can participate in a move of God. We can all hunger for a move of God, but are you willing to suffer through brokenness to see this move of God come to our lives and to this nation? It starts with each of us taking personal responsibility and embracing humility and allowing God to go deep and break up any hard ground. The condition of the ground is what determines if the seed will actually take root. John and Pat continue to discuss sharing the gospel seeds with those whose heart is actually soft enough to embrace it and where there is an environment for it to grow. One of the teachings spoken of was: It’s not over until God says it’s Over.
The Great Commission and the Reality of Hell
John, Pat, and Chris begin a discussion on the greatest responsibility of the church today, the Great Commission that Jesus gave and still gives his disciples today, found in Matthew 28:18-20. They continue to share about this labor of love, the church’s charge and duty to tell the world about Jesus and to make disciples of all nations. They share regarding society today and how art and pop culture have determined how society views sin and hell. They are calling good things bad and bad things good. They continue to share a recent poll from George Barna that although 71 percent of Americans believe that a place like hell exist only half of one percent actually believe they are going there. Jesus said in John 8:32, “then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” It’s important for us to remember it’s the truth that we know. If we don’t know about the realities of hell how will we know and how will we be able to share with others.