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Home » Inject Google Phone Android into our bodies?

Inject Google Phone Android into our bodies?


LISTEN NOW! Greg, Pat, and John share about Google’s android phone and their alleged 30 second vision.  It’s not about upgrading your phone it’s about upgrading yourself.    The commercial shows a phone on the center of a man’s chest as he is strapped into a chair.  The commercial is essentially injecting you with “Google” android DNA.    Greg, John, and Pat continue to discuss the two trees in the garden and man’s quest for more knowledge and how that’s different from more knowledge of God.  Greg shares a prophetic dream about how every square inch of the world will be monitored.  We have seen attacks on the original intent of the church, the original intent of the nation and now the original intent of the body that God designed.  Also talked about, Ray Kurzeil who wrote the book How to Create a Mind.


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Screen Capture from Youtube.com/NJ Dee

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