Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » VFNRadio Broadcast Second Hour 12/19/12

VFNRadio Broadcast Second Hour 12/19/12



LISTEN NOW! Growing in Love

In this abiding moment Pat, Greg, and John discuss growing in love.  Galatians 5:13-14 speaks to us about using our freedom not to indulge ourselves in sin but rather to serve others in love, loving your neighbor as yourself. Pat continues to share how love has nothing to do with self but has to do with others.  Love is a verb; it means action on our part on behalf of others.  Love needs to be more of our priority in our lives as we grow in our ability to love others.

      Who can discern his errors?
In this abiding moment John, Greg, and Pat discuss how one can discern his or her errors and sin.  Psalms 19:12-13 speaks to who can discern his errors and asking God to forgive from hidden faults.  John continues to share the importance of abiding and for the church to function as family.  God who searches our hearts will help us to discern our errors and hidden faults and sins when we abide.  As believers we are on a spiritual journey to grow and mature in our walk with God.  As we abide and spend time with the Lord reading his word, praying both talking and listening to God He will reveal to us what we need to know.  The other way we can be kept from sin is when the church functions as family and when brothers, sisters, and spiritual fathers in the Lord help us on our journey. 


     God is Pro Choice

Greg shares in the wisdom moment from Proverbs 19:21 how God is pro-choice when it comes to each individual human being; how God has given men choices since the garden of Eden and waits to see which choice he or she will make.Many are thinking they are waiting on God, but once God has laid the choice before us, it is God waiting on us.He has made it clear and He is waiting.What choice will you make?


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