LISTEN NOW! One Man Waters, One Man Plants, BUT GOD is the ONLY ONE Who Makes it Grow
Greg shares with us that when you start to do something for God you need to be careful that you are not doing for yourself. The Corinthian church had a problem with measuring themselves and the Apostle Paul addresses this in 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. He goes on to share with us that an insecure man feels less than if he doesn’t have a large quantity of stuff or a large ministry. This is pride and if they were ever to get more they would esteem themselves higher. You are not what you do. The Lord has given us each a task, one man waters, one man plants, but God is the only one who makes it grow. We must never judge our ministry by the harvest we reap but rather by the seeds we’ve sown. The harvest belongs to the Lord. We are all workers in the same field. The harvest has nothing to do with us we are to just continually sow the seeds of the gospel.
Remembering the Wonders of the Lord Part 2
Greg, John, and Pat continue their discussion about remembering the wonders of the Lord as they continue to recount their personal experiences regarding it, known as the Brownsville Outpouring or Brownsville Revival. They encourage us by sharing how the revival developed since they didn’t have a grid or what to expect when God would pour out his spirit in this way. They share about how people would manifest when the power and the glory of God would touch them. They shared about how amazing they felt in the Lord’s presence and the renewed sense of energy, passion for God, and Fear of the Lord they experienced and so much more. They encourage us stay hungry for God as this is what moves God. No longer to stuff ourselves with the things of the world but begin to fast the world and hunger after God.