LISTEN NOW! U. S. Citizenship Test and Game: 21-25
Greg, Pat and John revisit the citizenship test given to people who want to become citizens of the United States. They have fun with a serious topic and take turns answering questions given on the test, with Greg asking the questions as the host, with Jeopardy music and all. They answer questions like: The House of Representatives has how many members? We elect U.S. Representatives for how many years? Name your representative? What determines the number of representatives in the House of Representatives? See how John and Pat did in round 5 of questions?
PEAKS and valleys; Don’t let your valley define You
Greg shares about the life of Daniel in the Bible. He shares of so many wonderful experiences and opportunities that Daniel had in his life. He had favor with the King. He had a gift from God to interpret dreams and to prophesy future events as God spoke to him. He had wealth and great influence in the Kingdom. What makes us able to appreciate all of Daniel’s peak moments in life is the fact that Daniel had valley moments as well. He was thrown into the lion’s den to be devoured, constantly accused and lied on…, yet he survived them all. Greg encourages us not to define our life or the lives of others by valley experiences. No matter what valley you are facing today, it could be a valley in your marriage, your children, even in your finances, don’t stop moving keep moving pass this valley to reach your peak.
Who can stand in the Storm?
In this moment of wisdom found in Proverbs 10:25, Greg shares how Jesus warned us in John 16:33 that in this life you will have trouble but to take heart! I have overcome the world. The Christian is to build his house on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ so when the storms do come you will be able to stand, but the wicked are not this fortunate. Build today on the right foundation of Jesus Christ.