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Home » Dr. King Shows us how to Honor God and the Constitution as the law of the Land

Dr. King Shows us how to Honor God and the Constitution as the law of the Land


LISTEN NOW! Greg and Pat discuss how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. showed us how to honor God and the Constitution as the law of the land.  We need to know how to respond to all that is going on around us.  Dr. King saw injustice where black men and women were treated differently because of the color of their skin.  For instance they were not allowed to drink out of the same water fountains as white people.  At one point he decided to be a pioneer.  He started in his church and then began to share with the rest of the country.  Dr. King showed us how we can peacefully honor God and the Law of the land when standing for justice, in the midst of dogs being sent to attack them.  He allowed the justice system to work.  The ends don’t justify the means.  For Christians the “means” are everything because Jesus already took care of the end on the cross. They encourage us to get a pocket constitution and defend it.

Image courtesy of Olga Popova/shutterstock.com


The King Center

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