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Home » Fasting leads to the Power of God

Fasting leads to the Power of God


Greg, John, and Pat share about how fasting leads to power especially as we have seen in the life and ministry of Jesus.  Before Jesus performed miracles, healed the sick, and drove out demons Jesus spent 40 days fasting.  He underwent great trial and struggle and had to overcome the temptations of Satan.  However, when He completed the fast he began his ministry going into all the world.  We need to follow the steps of Jesus and humble ourselves and entrust ourselves to God.  We see this in the early church in the book of Acts which is not a historical book but more of an operations manual.  Self-denial is essential for God to be glorified in our lives.  First thing is to make Jesus the Lord of your life, be rightly related to his body the church, be discipled, abide with God and you will begin to see the power of God in your life. 


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