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Home » God is looking for the Pioneers of this Generation; Are you one?

God is looking for the Pioneers of this Generation; Are you one?


Greg, John, and Pat discuss how God is looking for the pioneers of this generation.  Pioneers take people to a place that only exists in their hearts.  Pioneers carry people to a place where no one has gone before.  They are people who are looking to take things to a new level.  Our country has had so many pioneers who were willing to go and lead and create paths for others to follow.  People like General and President George Washington.  Who believed that a new nation can emerge where liberty and freedom for all can exist?  People like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who believed that all men were created equal and was committed to hold a nation accountable to what was written on the paper, the U.S. Constitution.    The same is true for God; He has always had his pioneers.  Pioneers like Abraham, Joseph, King David, Apostle Paul and of course Jesus.

Jesus was a pioneer – the first born from among the dead, the One who made the Father known to us, the One who made it possible for our sins to be forgiven and for us to come in to relationship with God our Father; the family of God.  The Apostle Paul was a pioneer who brought salvation to the Gentiles, those who are not Jews.  The church through time has had pioneers like Alexander Dowie, Amy Semple McPherson, Maria Etter, A.A. Alan, John G. Lake, Kathryn Kuhlman, Oral Roberts, Billy Graham and so many more.  This is the question; who will be the pioneers for God in this Generation, the generation that you live in now?  When God says, “Who shall I send” do you look around, or do you say like Isaiah “here I am send me.”  Who will be the pioneers who bring the Good News of the Kingdom of God to this generation?   Who will be the pioneers who will let God impart into them His directions for this generation and lead them into it?  Who will be the pioneers who will help today’s Church move forward and prepare for the seasons she is about to face?  Will it be you?





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