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The Regrets of Living a Safe Life


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the regrets of living a safe life.  Some time back people began to play it safe.  They started living for the white picket fences, houses, and careers only. God has called us to live a life of faith and on the edge of obeying Him.  We are called to take risks in the culture we live in for God.  Americans in general are not willing to be inconvenienced at all even when it comes to children.  Living a safe life will not end well at the throne room of God.  We are called to be risk takers that believe God for more than just cars, homes and money we are called to believe God for HUMAN BEINGS.  We must seize the opportunity of a lifetime in the lifetime of that opportunity and begin to ask ourselves, is what we are living for worth Jesus dying for?


 Shutterstock.com/Gustavo Frazao

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