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The Rewarded Secret Life


LISTEN NOW! Many today are shocked to find out that someone has lived a secret life.  Their secret life involved things that they shouldn’t have done but there is a secret life that God rewards when we are doing the right thing with the right motives.  John and Pat discuss three things the Lord instructs his followers to do; give to the needy, pray, and fast.   Jesus is not just concerned with us doing them and completing a task he is just as interested in our motives for doing them.  If we do anything for the eyes and praises of man than that is our reward.  However, the Lord invites us to the secret place.  The Lord wants us to minister to Him and to be only concerned with His eyes upon us.  It’s in this secret place, in this secret life of worship to God, that God rewards us.  Jesus died to win the hearts of a people that would follow him out of sincere devotion and our willingness to seek Him in secret and enjoy His reward.  

Shutterstock.com/Andrej Stojs

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