Hobby Lobby Takes a Stand against Obama care and for Freedom of Religion
John, Pat, and Chris discuss the Christian owners of Hobby Lobby’s stand against Obama care. According to CBN their attorney said, the company will not provide the morning-after pill and week-after pills in its employee’s insurance plan when the health care mandate takes effect Jan.1. 60,000 supporters showed up at Hobby Lobby stores across the country to support them for their stand for freedom of religion, their constitutional right. They continue to discuss that many Christians need to rise up and stand for God and for the constitution. If enough people refuse not to deny the Lord and stand for him this can begin a great ripple of change in this nation.
Taxes Raised; Is this the way to fix the debt
John and Pat discuss the fiscal cliff and debt ceiling debates that are due to begin in a couple of months. Now that the so called fiscal cliff has been diverted many Americans are discovering that taxes were not just raised on those earning $400,000 or more but at least 77% of Americans are seeing a tax increase too. This country does not have a revenue problem. We are the wealthiest country in the world and generate very large revenue in taxes. The real issue is the spending. It’s time for the Federal government to operate like many responsible American families do every day. They adjust their spending based upon the amount of money that comes in the home. However, the government continues to charge the credit card and wants to spend more. John and Pat continue to discuss what is happening and has happened in Europe. French film star Gerard Depardieu has obtained a Russian passport after the star left his homeland to avoid a new tax rate for millionaires according to the Guardian. French President, François Hollande is planning on a 75% tax hike for the super-rich. They continue to discuss that if we continue to tax the rich they will leave the country with their money causing everyone else to have to make up the difference. Things are not much better in Spain who now has an unemployment rate of 25% and many of their citizens are losing their homes. Recently locksmiths are refusing to change locks on houses that the Spanish banks are foreclosing on. This madness needs to stop. John and Pat continue to encourage us as Christians that we can’t complain about the U.S. economy until the church begins to honor the Lord with their tithes and offerings. According to George Barna only 3% of the church actually tithes and honors God. They continue to offer hope for those who are honoring the Lord that they need not fear about the world’s economy because they are participating in God’s. As long as we honor the Lord he will take care of us. Let 2013 be the year we honor God with our finances.
Who Loves God?
John, Pat and Chris talk about a very important question. Who loves God? There has never been a more important and misunderstood virtue than love. Many today would say that they love God if they were asked. John and Pat share how Jesus defines loving him in John 14:21-22, and 23-24 and the rewards of loving God.
The Sacrifice of Thankfulness
Pat and John share about the sacrifice of thankfulness from Psalm 50:7-15, 23. God doesn’t need our finances He owns everything. He wants our thankfulness. The Lord has done so much for us he wants us to take note and appreciate all that He has done.