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Home » VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 1/22/13

VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 1/22/13


     The Humility of Jesus
Greg, John, and Pat share about the humility of Jesus.  They share how Jesus entrusted what was going to be written about Him, His ministry, and salvation just to name a few to men who had unction of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus didn’t even testify about himself but allowed others to do it.  Jesus did not self-promote himself and neither should we.  Promotion comes from God and we can trust in due time if He wills, He will raise us up.
     The Day of Blessing and the Day of Disaster both from God?
Pat reminds us what Ecclesiastes 7:14 says, when times are good, be happy but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other.  Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future.  Pat, Greg, and John continue to share how the church is not ready although God has given so many warnings of what is to come.  A storm is coming and is going to create a huge harvest of people.  The question is, are we willing to lay down our lives for the harvest?

One Man, One Torch for God; Shook a City
John, Greg, and Pat share about the Apostle Paul, one man, one torch for God who shook a city.  Paul was faithful to preach the good news of the kingdom everywhere he was sent and the city of Ephesus was no different.  So much so the silver smiths and craftsman in the area had to take note of Paul’s ministry.   They gathered together to discuss that Paul was leading so many people to the Lord in Ephesus and in the province of Asia that they were going to lose their business of creating shrines to a false God named Artemis.  We have today everything that Paul had then.  Jesus Christ lives in every believer and it is his power and glory that can be revealed through us.  Paul shook an entire city for Jesus and became a torch for the gospel of the kingdom.   He preached in the synagogues, he discipled believers and God did extraordinary miracles through Paul including healing the sick and delivering people of demons.  The result was that a fear of God seized the city and Jesus’ name was held in high honor and the word of the Lord continued to spread and grew in power.  As Christians and followers of Jesus we can do the same and more in our cities because Jesus told us we can and because the hope of glory lives in inside of us.
     Fasting leads to Power
Greg, John, and Pat share about how fasting leads to power especially as we have seen in the life and ministry of Jesus.  Before Jesus performed miracles, healed the sick, and drove out demons Jesus spent 40 days fasting.  He underwent great trial and struggle and had to overcome the temptations of Satan.  However, when He completed the fast he began his ministry going into all the world.  We need to follow the steps of Jesus and humble ourselves and entrust ourselves to God.  We see this in the early church in the book of Acts which is not a historical book but more of an operations manual.  Self-denial is essential for God to be glorified in our lives.  First thing is to make Jesus the Lord of your life, be rightly related to his body the church, be discipled, abide with God and you will begin to see the power of God in your life.
    American Pastor Jailed and on Trial in Iran 
Greg, John, and Pat share about an American Pastor who is being jailed and on trial in Iran.  The Iranians have found him guilty of planting a network or churches that meet in homes.  They pray for his quick release and encourage us to continue to pray for persecuted Christians around the world. 


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