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Home » VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 1/23/13

VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 1/23/13



    Shooting at Lone Star College the new Norm? 
Greg, John, and Pat discuss the recent shooting at Lone Star College.  Allegedly an argument prompted the shooting on the campus which resulted in three people being shot.  They continue to share how they received a call from Pastor Khechara letting Greg know that she had received a phone call from someone she was ministering to that said the college was locked down because of a shooting and she was hiding in the closet.  We began to pray for the safety of everyone on the campus.  Many are talking today that shootings on campus are the new norm; it will be unless the church repents.  What stops shooting attacks is when the church prays against the strategies of the enemy. 
Justin Bieber’s Mom is Pro Life
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how teen singer Justin Bieber’s mother lends her support for pro-life.    They discuss her support and promotion movie to movement.  Whenever we see the darkest moments appearing on the earth be encouraged light comes forth to shine.
     No Matter our Political and Cultural Views we can Unite around Jesus
America is nation filled with citizens that have different political and cultural views that have left many divided.  However, Greg, John, and Pat share about a recent group that is getting together in Washington DC.  This group is made up of political posters and staffers of different parties but what brings them together is the unity they share in Jesus.  They discuss how their faith can make a difference at work.  They drop political ideologies at the door and center their conversation on answering the question, who is Jesus to you.  They continue to encourage us that if this can be done in Washington DC then unity around Jesus can occur in the rest of the country.  Don’t major on the minors major on the majors.
    Salt and Light of the World
Greg, John, Pat, and Chris discuss how Jesus has called Christians the salt and light of the world.  However, if salt loses its saltiness it is worthless.  As believers we are called to preserve the message of the Kingdom.  We are to bring out the flavor of having life in God.  It is also important to know that too much salt kills.  We are called to sprinkle the truth of God’s word to all.  In the same way we are to be the light of the world which is really allowing the true light who lives inside Christians to shine forth to do good deeds that cause people to glorify the father.




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