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VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 1/30/13


Not every Prophetic Word is from God

Greg, John, and Pat discuss how not every prophetic word given is a word from God.  They continue to discuss how Peter got the first word right but the second word wrong.  You don’t want to be known by your gift but rather instead be known by the giver of the gift in your life.  Gifting’s can take you where your character can’t keep you.  There is nothing more exciting than receiving a word from God and there is nothing more divisive than a word that is not from God.
       Are you ready to separate what is of God and what is of man
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how the church needs to be ready to separate what is from God and what is of man.  They continue to speak about that how Jesus himself did not begin his ministry until the His Father publicly blessed and acknowledged him.  God is speaking to this generation and it is important that we don’t put what God is saying in old wineskins because the skin will burst and we will lose them both.  New wine, new revelations need to put into new wineskins.  The church is the people of God.  As church leaders we are supposed to seek, save, baptize, disciple and send believers.  The fivefold gifts given to the church are to mature the church but in order for the church to mature it must be willing to separate what is of man so they can have what is of God. 

Bible Minded Cities in America  
John, Greg, and Pat discuss a recent study conducted by the Barna Group.  The study was an attempt to look at how 96 of the largest cities in the nation view the Bible. The report  ranks what they considered Bible minded cities.  Bible minded is an individual  who reports to reading the Bible in a typical week and who strongly asserts the Bile is accurate in the principles it teaches.  The study is interesting.  They rank the cities from most Bible minded to least.  They continue to share with us that it is not just important to believe the Bible is accurate but it is important to do what the Bible instructs us to do according to James 2:22.


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