Don’t Let Your Past Determine Your Future
Greg and Pat share that there is hope for everyone who have past failures, to be used of God. One example they share regarding this hope is about Saul before he got saved and became Apostle Paul. He persecuted the church even to the point of killing some believers. Yet when he met Jesus he had an encounter with God and that encounter led him into kingdom service. He was willing to go into cities and proclaim the gospel. They continue to share that many in the kingdom of God have not gone out into the harvest because of excuses of convenience, comfort and money. They challenge VFN Radio listeners to win cities for God. They share that they are looking for those who are willing to get free from the religious bondage and believe God to do what he says he can do. We are looking for a few who will stand up in this generation. Maybe you are called to be a part of Gideon’s Army, the weakest and least likely. Enlist and join the spiritual army of God. We have been preparing for you. We are looking for a few humble servants that understand that we need God. If that’s you join God’s spiritual army today.
The Mercies of God
John and Pat discuss the King Manasseh and his journey to find God in 2 Chronicles 33. Manasseh did much evil in the eyes of the Lord. He did very wicked things. He did not follow the ways of his Father who honored God. God even tried to speak to Manasseh but he paid God no mind. At this one moment God could have taken Manasseh’s life but instead God extended mercy to him. God brought the army of Assyria; they took him prisoner, put a hook in his nose, bound him with bronze shackles and took him captive to Babylon. It was through this mercy that Manasseh came to the end of himself. He was able to cry out to God and humbly sought out God’s favor. God was so moved by his earnest and sincere cry that God brought him back, restored him and gave him a second chance. That is the mercy of God. God’s mercies are new of every morning. We need to appropriate the mercy of God and change and turn back to him. Don’t ignore God; turn to him in great humility and make things right.