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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour Broadcast 1/25/13

VFNRadio Second Hour Broadcast 1/25/13

     North Korea back at it again and how this could tie to the further falling of the U.S. dollar
Greg, John, and Pat discuss the most recent threat of N. Korea who states that have missiles that can not only reach the U.S. but their neighbor South Korea.  They continue to discuss a prophetic word given that speaks of Russia and North Korea making a deal that no longer supports the U.S. dollar as the supreme dollar of currency.  They continue to share that the U.S. dollar has been going down.  Many people will try to get all their money out of banks but they will not be able to because the money is out on loans. 
    Jesus is coming, Will you be ready?
John, Greg, and Pat discuss that Jesus is coming back, only the father knows when, and the real question is will you be ready, Matthew 24:36-42.  The Bible tells us that no man knows the hour of Jesus’ return; not angels, not even Jesus himself, only the Father.  The Bible continues to warn us about false prophets.  Many good natured people are trying to figure the day of the Lord’s return but they encourage us to hang our hat on exactly what the Bible says.  It will be just like the days of Noah.  People will be marrying and carrying on life as normal and then the door will close without warning.  That’s why the Bible tells us to be on guard, to be on watch for his appearing not so we can witness it but so that we can be ready to go with him.
     U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: 66-70
Greg, Pat and John revisit the citizenship test given to people who want to become citizens of the United States. They have fun answering questions given on the test, with Greg asking the questions as the host, with Jeopardy music and all.  They answer questions like: When was the constitution written? The federalist papers supported the passage of the Constitution.  Name one of the writers.  What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is known for.  Who is considered the Father of our country?  Who was the first President of the United States of America?
Vision Speaks
Greg, John, and Pat share about the importance of vision.  When you have vision and you write it down others can actually run with it.  Jacob showed us how just by putting sheep and goats in front of vision, they produce.  Habakkuk 2:2 tells us “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.”  It’s time to imitate those who have gone before us.
The Right word at the Right Time
In this moment of wisdom found in Proverbs 25:11 Greg, John, and Pat discuss greatness of the right word at the right time.  There is nothing sweeter, more refreshing, more encouraging than when we are in need of wisdom, help or direction and The Lord speaks an appropriate word of knowledge, of wisdom of prophesy.  We can attest that God calls us do to things we cannot do without Him, without seeking Him and a word from Him to help us as we go. VFN, VFNtv & the Daily VFNRadio Program, Next Step Outback’s, we just stepped out on the first word, but didn’t know the next thing but as we went, trusting in God and He would speak word after word at every seemingly road block.  Truly it’s like apples of gold in settings of silver. These words were spoken to us directly, or by someone who was with us, or someone who God touched in their heart to speak it to us, but it was from the Lord.  I want to encourage you to be the vessel of the one who speaks that word into someone’s life at just the right time by abiding regularly with the Lord so that you are ready to receive and deliver that word.  Many love to receive them, but few desire to be the one…so I want to encourage you to live your life to be the one who other’s will feel your words are from the Lord and are like apples of gold in silver settings.

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