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Home » Don’t look for the Righteous in the city: it’s you – Christ in you

Don’t look for the Righteous in the city: it’s you – Christ in you

Greg, John, and Pat share how many people think about Sodom and Gomorrah.  In fact, there were a lot of sins going on in the city.  Some believers still take on the view that Abraham had when he asked God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah if there were righteous people in the city.  Believers are doing that today not realizing we are not with Abraham.  We are with Jesus in fact Jesus is in us, those who have accepted him as Lord.  Believers no longer need to look into the city for righteous ones because we are the righteous ones.  It’s time to believe what the word says, “…Christ in you, the hope of glory” Colossians 1:27.


Source Image: shutterstock.com/James Jones Jr

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