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Home » Religious Spirit still trying to snuff out the things of God

Religious Spirit still trying to snuff out the things of God


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss how the religious spirit is still trying to snuff out the things of God.  It was so evident at the time of Moses’ birth that his mother placed him in a basket and put him in the river so they couldn’t capture and kill him.  This same spirit was trying to snuff out Jesus before his time so God spoke to Joseph to move them from one location to another.  There are many things that have been done and are currently done in the name of Christ that are not Godly and are trying to stop and snuff out what God is doing on the face of the earth.  We must not forget that the Lord looks at the heart and he only is the one who knows the true motives behind ones action.  


Source Image: Shutterstock.com/Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH

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