Chris’ new Pug melts Pat’s heart
John, Pat and Chris share about the nice time they had over the weekend. They continue to discuss Chris’ new dog a little pug puppy. Pat who was all joke earlier melted when he laid eyes and held Chris’ pug.
American Iranian Pastor Tortured
John, Pat and Chris share regarding American-Iranian pastor who is being tortured in a prison in Iran for his Christian faith. Pastor Saeed Abedini according to CBN was able to get a letter out to his wife detailing the torture he has been under and that he feels the only thing left they are waiting for him to do is to deny Jesus, something he says he will never do. John, Pat, and Chris encourage us to continue to pray for the release of Pastor Saeed and for what the devil meant for evil God will turn to good and others would come to know Jesus.
7 Things to Consider in Keeping Fire the Burning for Souls
We believe for a third great awakening and a powerful move of God where many will come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Jesus has given us the great commission to go and make disciples of all nations and encourages us to pray for the harvest, with that in mind John shares seven things to consider to keep the fire burning strong for soul winning.