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Home » VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 2/8/13

VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 2/8/13



    Winter Storm NEMO
John, Greg, and Pat discuss Winter Storm Nemo.  The blizzard is expected to bring heavy snow during rush hour.  The north east, in particular New Jersey and NYC are expected to receive anywhere from 8 to 18 inches of snow by Saturday.  They continue to encourage everyone in the north east to be prepared, stay off the road, to take care of the elderly and pray for everyone’s safety.
 Manhunt for Ex Police Officer 
Greg, John, and Pat discuss a manhunt presently underway for a fired, ex-police officer who allegedly has murdered former police colleagues family members.  The shooter says he will kill more of the police family members.  Greg, John, and Pat continue to share how police officers are human too and have to protect their families. Often times, police officers live in the same community that they arrest people and put other people’s family members in jail.  They continue to discuss how we are not wrestling with flesh in blood as the bible instructs us but with demonic spirits that have possessed people such as in the Newtown, and Aurora killings.  We don’t need to medicate these people we need to set them free and delivered.  We need to cry out for justice to take place and pray that the shooter will be found and stopped quickly.
You May be surprised at what made Jesus Outraged?
Throughout the gospels we find out about Jesus’ kindness and sternness.  We have seen Him heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, move with compassion, teach and preach the scriptures and we also see the Lord be upset and angered.  In the Bible in Ephesians 4:26 the Bible instructs us in our anger do not sin.  So being angry doesn’t mean you have sin.  There is a righteous anger.  Jesus was upset when money changers took over the temple and he told them they have made it a den of robbers that His house is a house of prayer.  He also was upset with Pharisees calling them white washed tombs, they burden new converts and didn’t even lift a finger to help them out.  We also see Jesus being indignant as the Bible describes in Mark 10:13-14 when the disciples hindered the little children from being touched by Him.  John, Greg, and Pat continue to discuss this and begin a conversation with some questions for us to ask and consider.  Are we doing anything that is hindering our children in our homes or church fellowships from being touched by Jesus?  Are we living a life of compromise preaching do what I say and not what I do?  Have we introduced our children to Jesus or too religion or a form of “godliness” void of God.   Proverbs tells us that wise men and women give thought to their ways.  The reason we are to have children is to produce Godly offspring.  Lord, help each parent by your empowering grace to raise children in the way of the Lord so that when they are old they will not depart.
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    Dr. Ben Carson says Political Correctness is Destroying the Fabric of our Society
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how Dr. Ben Carson’s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast with President Obama in attendance was powerful and impacting.  Dr. Carson said that political correctness is destroying the fabric of our society.  They continued to speak about how important it is to speak the truth.



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