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VFNRadio Broadcast Second Hour 2/14/13


      U.S. Citizenship Test and Game: Humor 81-85
Greg, Chris and John revisit the citizenship test given to people who want to become citizens of the United States. They have fun answering questions given on the test, with Greg asking the questions as the host, with Jeopardy music and all.  They answer questions like: Who did the United States fight in WWII?  Before he was President, Eisenhower was a General.  What war was he in?  During the cold war what was the main concern of the United States?  What movement tried  to end racial discrimination?  What did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. do?
         NASA says Asteriod may hit Satellites
Greg, John, and Chris discuss how a DA-14 asteroid is coming towards earth and it may hit satellites. 
 Adam Miller; Skate Boarder Unbelievable  Trick
Greg, John, and Chris talk about the unbelievable skate board trick from Adam Miller.  He jumps off a six step stairs while on a skateboard, does a flip off the board and lands on a skateboard at the foot of the steps.  A must see. 
  How to get God’s Attention
John and Greg discuss how to get God’s attention.  James 4:8 says “Come near to God and he will come near to you…”  Many today are seeking the attention of people and neglecting the one who’s attention we should we be seeking, God.   They share  an account in Mark 10: 46-52 about a blind man called Bartimaeus.  Jesus was walking by a large crowd and Bartimaeus
Heard, that  Jesus was walking through.  He began to shout for Jesus to have mercy on him.  The Lord called him over and healed him and he was able to see.  However, before he was called over the people around him tried to quiet him down and to get him to stop.  Bartimaeus refused  being quiet and cried out to God.  John and Greg encourage us to go after God with everything we have.  Hunger is what moves God.  They remind us that our first step determines God’s next step.
     Obedience Primes the Pump of Desire
Greg and John discuss how obedience primes the pump of desire.  God wants us to pursue him.  We can’t walk around in open sin and claim to be hungry for God.  If you draw close to God, God will draw close to you.  Out of one man’s hunger God will  touch many.  It is in desperation that when God moves.  One way to get to this point is to abide with the Lord.
     Heinz Ketchup Sell: Does it have anything to do with Secretary John Kerry accepting the nomination?
Greg and John discuss the recent sell of Heinz to Berkshire and if it has anything to do with soon to be Secretary of State John Kerry accepting the nomination to be Secretary of State.  John Kerry is married to Theresa Heinz Kerry and Berkshire is owned by Warren Buffet alleged friend and advisor to President Obama.
Dolphin Set free by Diver
Greg and Chris discuss how a dolphin came up to the diver and kept poking him as to alert him that something was wrong.  After this kept happening a couple of times the diver realized the dolphin was tangled in fishing line and was able to set him free.




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