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Home » VFNRadio Broadcast Second Hour 2/18/13

VFNRadio Broadcast Second Hour 2/18/13


    8 year old boy has End Time dream


Greg, John, and Pat discuss an 8 year old boys dream about the end times.  This was an amazing dream given to a boy who does not know in the natural what the Bible has shared regarding the end times.  In his dream he saw Jesus defeat the dragon.  Very encouraging to hear one of the ways the Lord speaks to us.



VFN TORCH TOP 3 February 18, 2013
John and Greg share about the Top 3 Stories on the VFN Torch on February 18, 2013:





Celebrating Black History Month – Black Surgeons in the Civil War
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how this is the 150th year anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. They continued to discuss the contributions African Americans have made to our country.  They continued to speak about how refreshing it is to see how mixing of Black history with American history as one history.

God is Going to Pour out His Spirit on All Flesh
Greg, John, and Pat talk about how in the last days God is going to pour out his spirit on all flesh.   They continue to share how God is saving his best for last.  It is beautiful to see how God pours out his spirit and how there are no big I’s.  Jesus said “He will do greater things than these, because I am going to the Father John 14:12.  You can begin to raise your expectation and be a part of preaching the Kingdom of God and repentance. 



A PROUD  heart bring you DOWN 
In this wisdom moment found in Proverbs 18:12 before a downfall the heart is proud, but humility comes before honor. Greg shares how a proud heart will bring you down.  He continues to say this is why it’s so important to have Godly relationships in your life.  Pride is an inordinate opinion and an intense self-awareness  of yourself.  This will always lead to a downfall.  He encourages to trust God with ourselves and to be more concerned with God’s reputation than of our own.



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