TRUE Sheep Stay Close to The Shepherd, What about you?
Greg, John and Pat discuss how sheep stay close to the shepherd. Jesus says that my sheep hear my voice. That is what abiding with the Lord is all about, staying close to the shepherd, hearing his voice and obeying what He says. If we draw close to God he will come near to us. They continue to share an experience they had when they approached sheep in Israel and how the sheep moved along and went towards their shepherd.
Community Organizers trying to Organize the Church?
Greg, John, and Pat discuss how community organizers are trying to organize the church. Greg recounts a time when he was a community organizer when he was young in his walk with God before he knew what community organizing was all about. His pastor at the time asked him to represent their local church fellowship and upon meeting with an organization that headed the community organizers he found out what they were doing. He found out the church was taken advantage of because of their naivety and a desire to do something good in their community. One such leader shared how pastors in the community where sharing with them everything that was going on. Things that she didn’t need to know. They go on to say that the church should be careful in who they let come into the church to share. What he found out is that the organizers come into a church to use them to turn a people. God’s people should not be a part of any manipulation or control of anyone. Neither should employees manipulate their employers. Christians shouldn’t force anyone to do anything, that’s un-Godly. Instead, pray for those who are in authority.
Speak up and DO for those who can’t speak and do for themselves
In this moment of wisdom found in Proverbs 31:8-9, Greg encourages us to speak up and do for those who cannot do for themselves. God is into justice. He who lends to the poor lends to God.
Hope God in is hope that never dies
Greg and Pat share about Abraham in the Bible against all hope still believed that God was able to do what He promised. It’s okay to look at your reality and understand that in the natural sense it is not going to happen. However, against that back drop you still can have hope, faith in God and faith in God does not disappoint or die.
VFN TORCH TOP 3 February 18, 2013
John and Greg share about the Top 3 Stories on the VFN Torch on February 18, 2013: