Let’s not Get tired of “Doing Good”
Pat, John, and Chris discuss Galatians 6:9-10 encouraging us not to get tired and weary of doing good. Pat shares about an account that happen to him this week when he was running an errand at a supply store. He was focused on his task and determined to get in and out of the store as quick as he could. However, as he was waiting at the check out line he saw and elderly couple. What appeared to be the elderly woman’s husband was holding and propping his wife up. All of Pat’s time constraints when out the window as he was compelled to go over and help them. He helped the gentlemen by walking his wife out to the car as she was able to move very slowly. Pat was amazed that the woman was even out of the home in her conditions. They continue to remind us to slow down to the pace of love. That with all the technological advances designed to save us time we still say we are busy. They encourage us to look for opportunities to do good for others especially the elderly and those who are less fortunate.
Women find healing surrendering their Secret Abortions
With nearly 55 million babies having been murdered since Roe V. Wade which legalized abortions in the United States women across the country are coming out about their abortions, surrendering the secret, to end the agony guilt and shame they have felt according to CBN. John and Pat discussed the bravery of these women and encourage other women who have had abortions to find their healing in Jesus. Not to believer the lie of satan that God won’t forgive you. God will not only forgive you but He will heal you and restore you and turn what looked like a mess at first and turn it into your message of hope and forgiveness.
Being a Disciple according to Jesus
John, Pat and Chris discuss what being a disciple is according to Jesus in Matthew 16:24-25. Jesus speaking to his disciples speaks clearly on what it means to be his disciple. Accepting Jesus into our heart is more than just saying a prayer but it’s about having a relationship with the Lord. Jesus said that if anyone would come after him he must do three things. One must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. This may appear far different from messages today that suggest that you can just add Jesus, as if you could, to what you are presently doing and that’s it. The truth is that when we give our lives to Jesus we no longer belong to ourselves. The Apostle Paul said I have become a bond slave to him. John the Baptist said I must decrease so that He might increase. The way to go after God is to lose our selfish, lives and follow Him. Be imitators and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ in everything.