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Home » VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour March 15, 2013

VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour March 15, 2013



    NY Tolls and Pictures of license Plates
John, Pat, and Chris talk about the high tolls in NY and the how NY is installing license plate readers recording the information on every car entering into Manhattan.  They continue to share how NYC in particular and the nation is becoming a surveillance state without concern of citizens and 4th amendment rights protecting our privacy.
    One Taco Employees 15,000 PEOPLE
John, Pat, and Chris share how just one taco is responsible for 15,000 new jobs.  Taco Bell has just had their biggest launch ever in Taco Bell history when they launched their new Dorito Locos Tacos.  They estimate 375 million of these tacos have been eaten.  John, Pat, and Chris have fun sharing about how much Pat enjoys Mexican food.
    Spirit of Adoption; The Opening of Hearts
John, Pat, and Chris share about the Spirit of Adoption and how Christians across the Ukraine are opening the hearts and homes and adopting children.  They continue to discuss John’s experiences working with fatherless children in an orphanage as well as their experiences with the fatherless through the Father and Son Camping trips and Next Step Outback.  They encourage us to Father and Mother this generation and speak life into natural and spiritual children’s lives.
    TEMPTATION: Pray you don’t fall into it
Pat, John, and Chris discuss how Jesus told the disciples to pray that they would not fall into it in Matthew 26:36-46. They continue to discuss how temptation is not sin but it’s what precedes sin.  Temptation means to be lured, snared, and trapped.  We are told to pray that we don’t fall into temptation.  Jesus was tempted in every way yet he did not sin.  They continue to encourage us to combine the supernatural and the natural which means to pray that you do not fall into temptation and at the same time use practical wisdom.


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