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Home » VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour March 8, 2013

VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour March 8, 2013



        600,000 Americans  have Major Commutes over 90 Minute One way
John, Pat and Chris discuss how 600,000 Americans have commutes of over 90 minutes each way.  These commuters usually live in large cities and are normally out of the house by 6am.  The average commuter spends on average 25 minutes each way commuting.  John, reminds us to no matter how much or little time we spend commuting to work it’s a great opportunity to listen to VFNRadio and he shares some tips on how you can do that.
    80 Percent of NYC High School Graduates Can’t Read; Not Prepared for College
John, Pat, and Chris discuss how according to CBS, 80 percent of NYC high school graduates can’t read and are not prepared for college.  They continue to discuss that in a city with such great wealth the students in NYC should be able to get the help they need and maybe Mayor Bloomberg should spend more efforts in helping the graduates in his city to read rather than control the size soda they drink
3     New Bill allows Bible to be taught in North Carolina Public Schools
John, Pat, and Chris share about how lawmakers of both parties crossed the aisle and passed legislation in North Carolina that would allow public High School student to take the Bible as a course.  The Bible will be offered as an elective and it will be eligible for a letter grade. 
     Why So Many Loved Hugo Chavez; 4cents a gallon gas is a start
John, Pat and Chris discussed why so many Venezuelans loved Hugo Chavez.  Many have been seen mourning, crying, and one woman even calling him father.  Oil is a natural resource for Venezuela and many Venezuelans according to CNN Money feel that cheap gas is their right.  Could it be that many loved deceased President Hugo Chavez because of the things the state has subsidies to its citizen’s, even gas at 4 cents a gallon.  No one knows if the gas subsidies will continue but the last time they were stopped it resulted in a riot requiring the military to come in.  They continue to discuss why socialism does not work and that it sets the government up to replace God.  The citizens become totally dependent on the government for their needs and not God.
     Faith that doesn’t quit
Pat, John, and Chris discuss the persistent faith of the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:21-28.  This woman had a need and asked Jesus to set her demon possessed daughter free.  Jesus basically told her that He was called to a particular people group yet because of her persistent faith and refusal to be offended Jesus healed her daughter.  She had faith that didn’t quit.  They continue to share the need and importance of having faith that keeps moving on and refuses to quit and give up because things didn’t happen right away. 
Communion for God; You were meant for it
John, Pat, and Chris discuss how God made us to with a social quality that enables us to communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas with others and to receive encouragement from the thoughts, feelings, and ideas of others.  However, we must not lose sight of the fact that God also created us to commune with Him.  God desires not to just listen to us but he desires to share his thoughts, feelings, truth, knowledge, wisdom, direction, guidance, warnings and his love with us.  Prayer is the door way that gives us access to this communion with God.  You are his treasured possession.  They continue to share things we need to know in order to hear the voice of God as well as things can hinder our abiding with him.



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