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Home » VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour March 7,2013

VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour March 7,2013


The State of Arkansas adopts most restrictive Abortion Law in the United States to date

John, Pat, and Chris share how the State of Arkansas just adopted the most restrictive abortion law in the United States to date. They continue to discuss that since Roe v Wade that made abortions legal in this country there has been 50 million abortions.  God is going to hold us accountable, we need to cry out to God and repent. Arkansas can be the beginning.  They also share a rap song from a Christian artist from the perspective of the baby in her mother’s womb.
Locut Swarm Egypt and Fly into Israel: Biblical Proportion?
John, Pat, and Chris discuss the swarm of locust that has flown from Egypt into Israel.  It is being reported that dark clouds of locust that seem like millions of small grass hoppers the size of small birds are everywhere, to the point drivers could not see out of their windshield.  They ask, can God’s hand be ruled out of this?  Egypt today is seeing the same locust they saw when God struck Egypt with the same locusts, the 8thplague when Pharaoh wouldn’t let God’s people go.
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul 13 hour Filibuster: Are Drones being used to spy and potentially one day strike an American Citizen on U.S. soil?
John, Pat, and Chris discuss the constitutionality of drones being used to spy and even kill United States citizens are on U.S. soil.  They discuss how a drone was recently spotted by a pilot in a NYC airport.  They also discuss how Kentucky Senator Rand Paul had a filibuster for 13 hours of CIA nominee John Brennan over drone concerns.  The Attorney General, Eric Holder, according to Fox News did not entirely rule out that a scenario may occur in the future, and indicated that such a strike would be legal under the Constitution.  They continue to express the concerns of many other Americans who are interested in standing for the Constitution that protects our right to privacy, right to trial by Jury, and the right to bear arms.  Every citizen of the United States has rights afforded to them by the Constitution and those rights shall not be violated even if done by the President of the United States.
How’s your Tolerance?
Some have said they have a high tolerance for things, such as pain, drugs, medications and alcohol.  What they are saying is that I can consume or endure whatever that “thing” is without it affecting me. John, Pat and Chris share how there is a high tolerance of sin in the land.  People talk about the many problems that are affecting our country and world but they are not talking about the main problem affecting this country and world and that is sin.  Jesus is still the Lamb of God that John the Baptist called, him who takes away the sin of the world.

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