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Home » VFNRadio First Hour April 15, 2013

VFNRadio First Hour April 15, 2013



Greg’s Weekend : Nascar and visit to Pat’s Im- MAC-ulate House
Greg, John, and Pat talk about Greg’s weekend.  They talk about how Greg visited Pat’s home and how perfect and immaculate his home looks as Greg shares a humorous update on Pat’s new pug.  Greg continues to share how he had the joy of taking Pat’s children to a NASCAR race and spoke of how loud the race was and how the winner was determined.
John and his wife ride through Central Park: Humor
John, Greg, and Pat talk about John and his wife’s recent bike ride as they celebrated their anniversary.  John shares how much they enjoyed taking in the beautiful park the beautiful intentional landscapes.  John describes how he took out his phone to take pictures of his wife riding her bike with one hand and pressed the brakes with the other causing the front tire to stop on a dime resulting in the back tire to go completely up launching John over the handle bars a few feet.  Although it sounds and looked bad John is grateful he wasn’t hurt at the same time couldn’t help laughing at himself especially shortly after he fell again trying to take on a large hill only to fall on his wife and her bike.  They laughed so much.  It was long before he got the hang of it and they enjoyed a wonderful day together celebrating their special day.
GPS: God’s Positioning System; From South Korea to California to NJ to Manhattan, God knows how to position you
John, Greg, and Pat share about God’s positioning system.
Sometimes we feel all alone or like we are going through something and we are tempted to think, God do you even know where I am?  You know there are 6 plus billion people on the face of the earth, who am I that you are mindful of me?  Yet, God knows exactly where you are at, what you are feeling even your exact location at all times.  We are so used to GPS today that our phones not only tell us exactly where we are but how to get where we are going.  Well let me tell you that before there was GPS, Global Positioning System, and God has always had God’s Positioning System.  Psalms 33:18 says, “But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, those whose hope is in his unfailing love. “God knows what he is doing.   John shares how he and his my wife were riding bikes in Central Park for their anniversary. John’s wife wanted to go to the Shake Shack burger restaurant in the city she had heard about. There were a few of them in the city but someone gave us directions to one that was close to where we were.  So we headed there on our bikes.  We locked up our bikes and got in this long line that wrapped outside this burger place in Manhattan.  As we are standing in line my wife notices a lady standing in front of us and asks her has she been here before.  The lady told us no but she heard about it and wanted to try it out.  After some more conversation John and his wife found out that Amy had just given her life to the Lord just two days ago.  We shared that we were Christians as well sensing God was all over this we enjoyed lunch together. John continues to share that before they parted ways they all left encouraged with Amy downloading VFNRadio on her phone.  God is so in control and knows where each of us are.  He allowed Amy to leave her home in S. Korea to head to California, then to NJ where her aunt would lead her to the Lord and then to a restaurant in Manhattan where he would send a couple to confirm to her how much Jesus loves her.  Don’t doubt God today be encouraged and know that He knows exactly where you are at and how to best position you. 
Stand with those who Stand with you and your Constitutional Right: Jay Sekulow and American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ)
Greg, John and Pat discuss how important it is to stand with those who stand with you and the U.S. Constitution.  We have a nation of laws with 3 equal branches of government; legislative, executive, and judicial.  They continue to share regarding the ministry and work of attorney Jay Sekulow and the American Center of Law and Justice.  They continue to discuss the very first cast that Jay Sekulow took before the Supreme Court which a case was involving the freedom of speech, which was known as the Jews for Jesus, case of which he won unanimously.  They continue to encourage us to support ACLJ as they are there to stand with us and help protect our Constitutional rights. 

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