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Home » VFNRadio First Hour April 22, 2013

VFNRadio First Hour April 22, 2013



2nd Suspect Caught in Boston Marathon Bombing found before Sundown: 
God answered our prayers; Lord we Cry out for your Mercy

John, Pat, and Chris praise God for answering our prayers for the 2ndsuspect of the Boston Marathon bombing being captured before sundown.  They continue to discuss the importance of forgiveness and our need to ask God to forgive us.  When we look at some of the tragedies that have occurred in the United States in recent history; events like 9-11, Hurricane Sandy, and now the Boston Bombing many have responded with statements like we will we build back stronger and bigger or words like New Jersey is Strong and Boston is strong but what about us the church responding on our knee’s.  God has so blessed our country and has extended so much mercy to us we are walking blinded on the proverbial plank of mercy not knowing when our next step will be our last.  The question is are we going to cry out and appropriate the mercy of God to our lives or are we going to take God’s mercy to us for granted and suffer the consequences.
Intentional Walk Baseball
John speaks of a new book that he received for his birthday called Intentional Walk, although he has not read it yet he shares what the book is about. The book is about the intentional Christian walk of some of the players of St. Louis Cardinals baseball team and how God helped them overcome the challenges they faced to become 2011 World Series Champions.
John Interviews John Boyd with Peace Industry Music Group in Central Park
John, Pat, and Chris discuss John’s recent trip to Central Park in Manhattan and where he was able to hear the Peace Music Industry Group perform near the Bethesda Fountain.  He was so blessed by their beautiful sound he was able to get an interview with the founder of the Peace Industry Music Group.  The group sang beautifully with large crowds listening to them perform.
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      Earth Opens up for a third time in recent history
John, Pat, and Chris discuss how for the third time in recent history the ground has opened up yet again.  They remind us of the first occurrence not to long ago when a hole opened up 100 feet beneath someone’s bed and the man was never seen again.  The only visible thing was his mattress.  The second time occurred when up north several men were playing golf in a golf course and the earth opened up right below one of those men resulting in only him falling in the whole and by the grace of God he was rescued. Now they shared of this now known occurrence that occurred in Chicago where the earth opened up and three cars fell into the hole.  They share with us that misfortune does follow some people but would be wise not to focus our eyes on them but to evaluate our life.  At any moment we can go from what we thought we were standing on what looked secure only to experience a shaking and opening that would be devastating and cost us everything. The real question is, are we right with God before the opening and shaking because you may never get another chance?


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