Canada Uncovers Al-Qaeda Terror Plot targeting Passenger Trains
John, Pat and Chris discuss how Canada uncovered an Al-Qaeda terror plot targeting passenger trains in Toronto. The police confirmed the suspects “were receiving support from Al-Qaeda elements in Iran.” They continued to discuss how this is just the devil trying to instill fear and terror. America is and has been walking blind folded on a continual plank of mercy and at any moment their next step could find them in shark infested waters. They continue to speak about, what is so special about America that we should be so blessed in the world? God has blessed America; it’s time for America to bless God. How long can we expect God to extend His mercy to us if we don’t respond and turn our hearts to Him?
From Escaping Genocide in Rwanda to U.S. Citizenship; America the Beautiful
John, Pat and Chris discuss the story of a woman named Immaculee llibagiza from Rwanda and how she became an American citizen. Immaculee was in Rwanda during the conflict in the early 90’s between the Tutsi’s and Hutus. She was able to find safety in her neighbor’s bathroom hiding with seven other women and girls. Unfortunately her parents and brothers were killed. In 1998 she moved to New York and the U.S. granted her asylum. Just recently Immaculee along with 50 others from 16 nations became a U.S. citizen. They continue to talk about Immaculee’s joy and happiness in becoming a citizen. They remind us of what makes our country great and why so many people from all over the world want to come to the U.S. They also encourage us to listen to the U.S Citizenship Test and Game on VFNRadio where they challenged themselves to take the same test that many people must take and pass to be citizens. They encourage us not to take for granted the blessing of this great nation we have been given so that we won’t lose it.
2 Iranian Christian women jailed in Iran for sharing Jesus and how they made it out; Captive in IRAN
John, Pat and Chris discuss how two Iranian women were jailed in Iran for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. The two women Marziyeh Amirizadeh and Maryam Rostampour, coauthors of a new book called “Captive in Iran” share their story. These ladies were born Muslim and converted to Christianity, one of them even saw Jesus in a vision. As a result of accepting Jesus into their heart they felt God gave them a vision to distribute 20,000 Bibles to the people of Iran of which they did by carrying them in backpacks at night and placing them in mailboxes. These women also started two churches that met in homes. One day there were arrested for sharing Jesus and were charged and put in Evin prison known for torture, rape and brutality. These women were subjected to abuse, poisoning, and over 8 hours of interrogation at a time. They would never renounce Jesus. They were released after being in prison for 259 days. When one of the ladies asked what was the worst day in prison and her reply was the day that I didn’t feel the Lord’s presence. They continue to encourage us to follow the example of these ladies who heard God’s voice and obeyed Him no matter the cost. There is nothing sadder to see than someone on their death bed counting the regrets of their life. You can avoid tomorrow’s regrets today by making God your habitation and living to only please Him. It’s not about us but rather it’s all about Him.