Great Awakening in South Africa; a shifting taking place to bring us out of Captivity
Greg, Pat and Chris continue a conversation on the Great Awakening Healing Revival taking place in Durban South Africa. They also introduce the third hour of VFNRadio that will be focused solely to the Awakening in South Africa for as long as God keeps it going and also how all this is taking place on the soon 1st year anniversary of VFNRadio. They encourage us to sit and soak in the anointing of these powerful services and allow God to move in our lives to break away the hardness of our hearts. They also share how this is a strategy of God to bring the church and America out of captivity. There is hope if we humble ourselves; the last thing America needs to do is to judge this move of God and just receive from what God is doing.
EZ 12 “I am a sign to you”
Greg shares a dream the Lord gave him where in this dream he had packed up the VFNtv and radio studio and carried it through a hole in the wall. He continues to share on his Spiritual Father Ken Sumrall who is now with the Lord and Bro. John Kilpatrick and the influences they had on his life. He shares how God stirred his heart when reading Ezekiel 12 and how it said the people had eyes to see but could not see and ears to hear but could not hear and how the people were in rebellion which is the resistance to any control or authority. As things unfolded Greg felt lead to prepare 90 days’ worth of supplies. He speaks of how in the natural after God said he was taking him to the next level; he packed up, got things ready to sell and began to prepare to move to the heartland, North Texas where God was leading him to. Then the word of the Lord came to him saying, not no just not now. He goes on to share when how the Brownsville Revival that was in a particular region shook the world but how that particular region did not respond to what God was doing. He himself prophesied Malachi 4:5-6, “See I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the earth with a curse.” For 10 years he prophesied these words and they too did not respond. The Governor invited him to the Governor’s mansion the Governor himself began to end his speeches with the same prophecy but that region did not respond. Greg goes on to tell us. It’s not over, God has a plan. God showed him thousands coming to repentance. We can’t keep doing what we’ve been doing and expect a different result that is insanity. It is called the Great Commission not the Great Suggestion. It’s time to love it’s time to be a disciple of Christ. The God of the Bible is still God today and he can set you free.
Planned Parenthood pushing Web Cam Abortions?
Greg, Pat and Chris discuss a recent report by CBN News on how an ex-manager of Planned Parenthood exposes the pushing of web cam self-abortions. Sue Thayer said she thought she would be helping women until it became clear that every clinic in her home state of Iowa would now be offering these web cam abortions where doctors Skype in and remotely hand out the abortion pill known as RU-486 to be taken there and another pill to take at home to expel the fetus. Sue was fired for her disagreement of these practices and was told she had to sign an agreement stating that she wouldn’t speak of what she had seen in the clinic to be able to receive her last check. She did not sign the letter. From there she joined a group of Pro-lifers who began a 40 day prayer vigil out front of the clinic she used to work for and then a miracle happened; the clinic went out of business. Thayer says, “I have absolutely no explanation for it except God is good and He answers prayer.