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Home » You will Cross and the Victors Cup will be Waiting

You will Cross and the Victors Cup will be Waiting


 LISTEN NOW! Greg shares with us a fresh prophetic word coming from Chuck Pierce entitled, “You will Cross and the Victors Cup will be Waiting”. This is an encouraging word telling us a confirming word lining up with EZ 12 “I am a Sign to You,” that a shift is taking place; the old ways of doing things will no longer work but God is doing a new thing. He says a new movement has entered the earth and the Army of God will be moving with a sound of Worship. It is time to act and to break loose from captivity or else we will lose our authority. Chuck also shares that supply is being loosed for more giving towards the advancement of the Kingdom of God. And the giants that have kept you from giving are coming down but warns to let go of these giants so that you do not fall with them.

God is shifting you in a new way; you will now run with the end in mind. He must narrow your way so that you can focus with the end in mind. Chuck says in the next 40 days we will see this shift taking place.



courtesy of Lyudmyla Kharlamova/shutterstock.com


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