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Home » Terrorists in London Murder soldier in cold blood

Terrorists in London Murder soldier in cold blood


LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss the terrorists in London who murdered a soldier in cold blood.  Satan wants to terrorize people and cause you to fear.  According to CBN two men with butcher knives savagely stabbed and cut off the head of a British soldier outside of barracks after they ran him over with a car. One of them claiming allegedly, eye for an eye.  CBN reports that the attacker approached confused bystanders with their bloody hands to deliver a message:  “We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you.”  They continue to discuss this is exactly what America is embracing.  Mohammed says in the Koran that Jesus is not the son of God this belief system is the complete opposite of Christianity.  The Christian’s Bible says live at peace with your neighbors but the Islam book, the Koran, says that the non-muslin must convert, be enslaved or be beheaded.  That is a big difference.  Where Christianity can live among the many worlds’ religions, Islam is a threat to anyone of any faith other than Islam.  God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.  The Koran teaches that the infidel will either convert, be brought into servitude or will lose their head.  A radical Muslim is just one who follows the teaching of Mohammed and what is in the Koran.  We are embracing what is happening; the church must repent. 

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