Remembering Wounded Warriors with President George W. Bush
LISTEN NOW! John, Greg and Pat share about remembering our wounded warriors and all of the men and women who have served in the military protecting and defending our freedom. Former President George W. Bush invited a number of U.S. veterans to his Crawford ranch to participate in the third annual Bush Center 100k Wounded Warrior Mountain Bike Ride. According to the Blaze, “Bush has always been a strong supporter of our brave men and women in uniform. He has apparently always been inspired by Abraham Lincoln, who famously instructed the nation to “care for him who shall have borne the battle.” A month before his assassination, Lincoln signed a new law creating a National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.” John, Greg and Pat continue to discuss their appreciation of all veterans. They continue to share their appreciation and honor for all of the warriors who faithfully battled for truth and the Kingdom of God. Those such as ministers of the past and present, parents and grandparents who have fought for the foundation of God’s truth so that the next generation can stand and expand. We honor them as well and pray for their healing as they contended for the truth. Wear your scares as medals as you will be greatly rewarded for your service.
Amazing WORLD MISSIONS Race 11 Countries in 11 months for Jesus
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John and Pat discuss the amazing world mission race that some are on right now to visit 11 countries in 11 months to reach the lost for Jesus. CBN reports on one such young woman named Emily and her almost year long journey visiting one country per month in remote places, living simply even not being able to bathe at times to share the gospel. According to CBN “Her adventure began helping orphans in Mozambique. From there she travels to Swaziland, South Africa, India, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Moldova, and will end her journey in Romania.” Greg, John and Pat continue to share how encouraged they were by those like Emily that have laid down their lives and the comforts of this world for Jesus. They continue to discuss that this is so refreshing in so many ways, especially when there are those who’d rather live an artificial life. Select to the related links below to find out more about Emily and those participating in the Amazing World Missions Race and how you can support them.
Humility is not Being a door mat
LISTEN NOW! Greg, John, and Pat discuss the recent statement former Archbishop of Canterbury said, “If you behave like a door mat; don’t be surprised if people treat you like one.” They go on to discuss how humility is not being a door mat. Yes it is true you will have to go through some stuff but how and why you go through it is the difference. A person who is humble is a person who obeys God. Humility is total dependency on God and respect for other people. Humility is necessary in all areas of life especially in the family and the God given roles each person has been given. Pride is not following the roles and the order God has set up in family. Humility is not sitting back when you are required to stand up and act boldly. They continue to discuss how David responded in humility when his son Absalom tried to take his kingdom. Humility is putting everything on the scales of God. We have an obligation to share the truth but we should share the truth in love.
Are you on God’s Rescue Team?
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Greg discuss whether you are on God’s rescue team. They discuss how in God’s word how Proverbs 24:11-12 encourages us to, “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done? They continue to discuss how there is huge following that are being led away and are on a road that leads to death. Many Christians and non-Christians have become desensitized to evil and have failed to attribute evil to Satan. Evil has a name it’s Satan. Many are even calling good evil and evil good. It’s time for God’s church to wake up and be like those on 9/11 and rush in when others where rushing out. Rush and run into the darkness and be on God’s Rescue team. The word of God tells us in 2 Corinthians 2:6 to let light shine out of darkness. The only way for that to happen is for God’s people; those who know Him, Love Him, and have made Him Lord to go into the darkness and to let our light shine.