The Most powerful Prayer Jesus will absolutely answer
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve discuss the most powerful prayer one could ever pray and that Jesus will absolutely answer. Jesus reveal yourself to me. They share how many people spend a lot of time researching flat screen TV’s and every bit of information from size, versions, how to mount it, LCD, LED, price comparison and so much more but have not spent anywhere near that time searching out God. Seeking truth and praying the prayer Jesus will absolutely answer. Jesus reveal yourself to me. It’s not enough to know about Him or of Him but you need to know Him like you know the grass is green and the sky is blue. That personal assurance can only come when you earnestly seek the Lord with all your heart, He promises He will be found by you.
Who are you listening to?
LISTEN NOW! Steve, Pat and John discuss the account that occurred in John 9:1-34 when a man who was blind from birth and Jesus’ disciples asked him who sinned, this man or his parents. Jesus said neither the man nor his parent’s sinned but this happened so that the work of God can be displayed. They continued to talk about how the disciples where looking horizontally and not with the focus or attention of what God was about to do. They encourage us to be aware of whom we are listening to. Is it someone who has a horizontal perspective or a biblical or Godly perspective? Proverbs 23:7 says, for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”
Are your ready for the Coming Glory?
LISTEN NOW! Pat, John and Steve share about being ready for the coming glory. They continue to share about the book Fear of the Lord by John Bevere where God has shown him that His coming Glory will be seven times more than what we have ever experienced. Isaiah 30:26 says, “The moon will shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the Lord binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted.”
They continue to share all that they have seen God doe in their midst and look forward to the day of greater glory.
What will you do with the Life you have left?
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve share about what will you do with the time you have left? Regret is such a horrible word especially when we regret is something that can be totally avoidable resulting in not suffering a loss. They share how they have spoken to many people especially as they near the end of their lives and how they have talked about so many regrets. What they wish they would have done what they could have done. Of all the precious resources we have the most precious is our life. Once we use it up we can never get it back. Psalm 90:12 says “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. You can never go back and redo yesterday all we have is today. We must have vision to ensure that we arrive to our destination on purpose and not by accident. The question is what will you do with the life you have left.