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Home » 3 Dimensional Printers Coming to Staples?

3 Dimensional Printers Coming to Staples?


LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve discuss new technology in the form of three dimensional printers that can print virtually anything.  WFTV reports that these “three-dimensional printers are popping up everywhere from the desks of home hobbyists to Air Force drone research centers. The machines, generally the size of a microwave oven and costing $400 to more than $500,000, extrude layer upon layer of plastics or other materials including metal, to create 3-D objects with moving parts.”  They continue to discuss the implications to society, business, and the economy.  These devices will have such a dramatic impact especially because these printers will now become available at Staples.  They continue to discuss how we need to hear God in terms of this latest technology.  Things are moving so rapidly and changing moment by moment we may not want to adapt to these new technologies just for convenience. 



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