LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Chris discuss Iran’s new president and whether anything will change as a result. Although Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is no longer the President of Iran many are saying that although style will be different the message will remain the same when it comes to new Iranian President Sayyed Hassan Rowhani. In fact, CBN reports that the new Iranian President served on a committee that approved the 1994 terror attack on a Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires. They continue to share how Iran still remains unchanged in the goal of taking Israel out and will continue to develop a nuclear weapon. They also share how new rockets have been launched into Israel from Gaza. They warn the nations of the world about poking the apple of God’s eye; Israel and to know that there is one who is zealous for Zion and He almighty God will not stay still. Nations of the world be warned and do Israel no harm. They share prophetic song Zealous for Zion by Misty Edwards from the International House of Prayer.
Shutterstock.com/Bruce Stanfield
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Chris discuss Iran’s new president and whether anything will change as a result. Although Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is no longer the President of Iran many are saying that although style will be different the message will remain the same when it comes to new Iranian President Sayyed Hassan Rowhani. In fact, CBN reports that the new Iranian President served on a committee that approved the 1994 terror attack on a Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires. They continue to share how Iran still remains unchanged in the goal of taking Israel out and will continue to develop a nuclear weapon. They also share how new rockets have been launched into Israel from Gaza. They warn the nations of the world about poking the apple of God’s eye; Israel and to know that there is one who is zealous for Zion and He almighty God will not stay still. Nations of the world be warned and do Israel no harm. They share prophetic song Zealous for Zion by Misty Edwards from the International House of Prayer.
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