Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » VFNRadio First Hour June 12, 2013

VFNRadio First Hour June 12, 2013


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    Love on a Senior Citizen today
John, Pat and Steve share about loving on senior citizens.   John shares about a chance encounter he had with a senior citizen and the great conversation they had.  They continued to share the importance to honor seniors living in our neighborhoods, places of businesses, and communities.  They discuss how important it is to slow down and look after seniors and to assist them with anything we can do for them.  They continue share some of the things they have learned from their Grandfathers, like discipline and hard work.  Much of this wisdom from generations past has not made it over to the younger generation.  They continue to share with us practical ways that we can be a blessing to seniors all around us and give us a personal challenge to find a senior we can love on and bless.
    My Soul Waits for the Lord
John, Pat, Steve and Chris talk about the awesomeness of God and how we need to recognize our desperate need for Him.  They discuss Psalm 130 and David’s yearning for God and recognition of our need for Him.  They encourage us to have undistracted time with the Lord.  Time totally devoted on seeking and waiting on Him.  We can become so busy in life and race here and there but when it comes to spending time with the Lord we are encouraged to wait on Him and put our complete trust and hope in Him.

Electronic Tattoos for your smartphone password?

John, Pat and Steve talk about new technology revealed by Motorola; a tattoo technology for smart phone users who want to get rid their passwords can now use electronic tattoos and even pills to take care of it. The technology is for convenience but the convenience comes with a price; your privacy.  They continue to encourage us not to lean on technology more than leaning on God. This technology is making it easier to see how the mark of the beast can easily be introduced.  We are living in the last days and we don’t want to be ignorant of the enemy’s strategies and plans and fall right into it.  It’s time for us to be wise as a serpent and innocent as doves Matthew 10:16.




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