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Home » VFNRadio First Hour June 13, 2013

VFNRadio First Hour June 13, 2013


The Bible App Aiming for 100 million Downloads! 

LISTEN NOW! Pat, John, and Steve talk about how much technology has changed and how apps for phones although they are common today are relatively new technology.  Just when you think there couldn’t possibly be one more app guess what, there is always more.   They continue to share about how the You Version Bible app is aiming for 100 million downloads on their fifth anniversary July 10, 2013.  There is presently 95,869,480 downloads of the Bible app just a few more left to reach their goal.

God the ORIGNAL Transformer

 Many years ago a toy came out that was called a transformer.  The idea was that the robot toy with a few bends and positions could be transformed from a robot to a completely different object like a car or plane.  They continue to share how God is the original transformer and how He is the one who brings true transformation in our lives.  We see this in particular in the life of the Apostle Paul when he was Saul.  He had an encounter with God that totally transformed his life.  He went from persecuting the church to being a leader in the Church.  They continue to discuss that no matter how we try or how much knowledge we seek out the only person who is going to transform us is God, if we allow Him to.  He will transform us from what we are to be more like His son.  However, that involves us getting out of the way and allowing the water of God’s word and the Spirit of God to do the work in our lives that bring true transformation.


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