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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour, June 17, 2013

VFNRadio Second Hour, June 17, 2013


The most dangerous place for a Baby, the mother’s womb?

LISTEN NOW:  John, Pat, and Steve discuss how the most dangerous place for a child is the mother’s womb.  Since Roe V. Wade in 1973 there has been over 50 million plus abortions committed in the United States.  When broken down that means 3,322 per day, 138 every hour, and 2 every minute.  They discuss how the Lord has been answering our prayers, “Dear God, end abortion, send revival.” They discuss how Orlando Abortionist Pendergraft’s abortion clinic property was seized because of a $37 million dollar malpractice judgment levied against the clinic owner James Scott Pendergraft IV according to Operation Rescue.org.    Operation Rescue continues to report “. Pendergraft was hit with a whopping civil medical malpractice judgment of $36,737,660.16 in compensatory and punitive damages in a case involving a botched 20 week abortion that resulted in the live birth of a child physically damaged by Pendergraft’s incompetent abortion process amid what was described as “third world conditions” with virtually no counseling”  They continue to share how Wisconsin state legislatures passed a measure requiring women to first undergo an ultrasound prior to having an abortion.  Governor Scott Walker is expected to sign it into law.   Proponents of the measure argue that the mother planning the abortion should have full disclosure and know exactly what is in her womb before following through with an irreversible action like abortion.  They also discuss Ed Young’s practical, biblical, and simple common sense approach to life and the counseling he would provide a woman who was considering an abortion.   There are three opinions regarding abortion 1) life begins at conception, 2) it’s not life but just a tissue, and 3) agnostic point of view which is they neither know if it is life or not. He covers every angle providing his hearers no other choice but to acknowledge the fact what is inside a mother’s womb is a baby by addressing the acronym S L E D.   He first addresses that size doesn’t matter and just because the baby is small doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the right to live.  The second issue he speaks about is the baby’s level of development.  Just because the baby has not fully developed doesn’t mean they are any less alive.   He continues to address environment.   Your environment doesn’t determine who you are.   The last one he addresses is the degree of dependency is of little importance when it comes to evaluating life.  Life is life, is life, is life and it must be protected for everything we do is all under the eye of God.

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