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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour June 19, 2013

VFNRadio Second Hour June 19, 2013




The Constitution- The Original Intent and Purpose 1 of 6

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve discuss the first part of a six part series regarding the U.S Constitution and Freedom by Judge Andrew Napolitano.  In order to fully understand, appreciate or protect anything that has ever been created it would serve us well to get an understanding of the original intent of the author, creator or inventor of the object.  They continue to discuss that if we are going to truly understand, protect and defend the Constitution it would serve us well to know the original intent of the Founding Fathers when they crafted it.    The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.  Every law that is passed must comply with the Constitution.  This document was written by the people for the people.  We have a constitution that begins with three simple yet powerful words…We the People.
House Passes 20 Week Abortion Ban 
John, Pat and Steve discuss how the House of Representatives approved a measure that bans all abortions after 20 weeks.  CBN reports “Under the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, a woman is exempt from the 20 week threshold if her life is threatened or the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.”  They continue to share how God has been answering the prayer that they and others have been praying.  “Dear God, end abortion send revival.”  The also discussed a recent research that was conducted by researchers at the University of California in San Francisco which wanted to know what type of effect 200 women experienced who were denied the opportunity of aborting their baby.  The study revealed that 95 percent had no regrets. 
Fear of the LORD ; the pathway to intimate Friendship with God
 John, Pat and Steve share about the fear of the Lord and how it is the pathway to intimate friendship with God.  They discuss Joy Dawson’s book Intimate Friendship with God through the understanding the Fear of the Lord.  They share that when talking about the fear of the Lord we must first define what it is and what it is not.  The Fear or the Lord is not about us biting our nails and being in terror of Him but is about us approaching God with reverence, awe, and awareness of his proximity and holiness.  They continue to discuss that our obedience or lack thereof proves whether we fear God or not.


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