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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour June 20, 2013

VFNRadio Second Hour June 20, 2013




Are you Grumbling and Complaining to God? Is it working for you?

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Steve share about grumbling and complaining to God.  They discuss how everywhere you look these days somebody is complaining about something.  People complain about the weather, where they live, what they drive, where they work you name it they complain about it but should this be?   In this highlight they discuss the root of where complaining has its origin as they discuss the journey the Israelite took and their grumbling and complaining to God.  They found out that God indeed does hear your complaining and He will give you what you want, you just may not want what you will get.  They share the importance of understanding that it’s not about us but all about Him.  God doesn’t revolve around us we revolve around Him.
Are you letting  your past experiences trump God’s Word
 Steve, Pat and John discuss, are you letting your past experiences trump God’s word?  They continue to discuss the book Bait of Satan by John Bevere.  John shares about walls of protection from the chapter Massive Offense.  Walls are about protecting us from pain and hurt.  If we are being taken down by a spirit of offense then we will fall to filtering everything through our past hurts, even God.  God loves you and that should never be doubted and what His word says is true.  They encourage us not to let our experiences of pain and hurt trump God’s word where we can’t even believe that God loves us. 


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