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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour June 21, 2013

VFNRadio Second Hour June 21, 2013




Iran Rallying Millions of Martyrs? All for the End Times

LISTEN NOW! The Middle East is a cup of trembling at the moment.   On any given day you hear about civil unrest, terrorist bombings, and war.  John, Pat and Steve discuss a recent interview between the Host of the television program, It’s Supernatural, and guest Joel Richardson.  They discuss a new movie that was allegedly put together by all the religious leaders of Iran entitled the Coming is Near.  The movie is about rallying Muslims for what they believe to be end time activity as they wait for the Mahdi- the Islamic messiah.  They go on to say that they are calling for millions of Muslims to give their lives in martyrdom for the killing of Jews.  They continue to describe an Islamic Messiah that parallels what the Bible describes as the Anti- Christ.  They shared about coming conflicts and wars and the pursuit of a Caliphate, Islamic government for the world.  At the same time they share of the many Muslims in Iran that are converting to Christianity. 

Fear of the Lord: Obeying God for Who He Is 
John, Pat and Steve share about the fear of the Lord and obeying God for who He is not just for what He says.  They continue to share from Joy Dawson’s book, “Intimate Friendship with God through Understanding the Fear of the Lord”, in the book Joy shares  that “ God wants to bring us to the place where what He tells us to do is not nearly  as important as who He is who gives the order.”    If we put the emphasis on what He says than we are tempted to analyze what He tells us to do and see if it something that is agreeable to us instead of just obeying God and keeping that decision out of our head.  The safest and right place we can be in is in the humility and the fear of the Lord.


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