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Home » VFNRadio Second Hour June 24, 2013

VFNRadio Second Hour June 24, 2013


There is ONE that is Zealous for Zion

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Chris discuss how Israel is completely surrounded by her enemies and how even enemies are united when it comes to desire to attack and destroy Israel the apple of God’s eye.  They warn the nations of the world that He, almighty God, who loves Israel, will touch those who touch Israel.  Nations of the world be warned and do Israel no harm.  They share a prophetic song, Zealous for Zion by Misty Edwards from the International House of Prayer.
    It Ain’t Over till God says It’s Over
LISTEN NOW!  Greg, John, Pat, and Chris discuss how “it ain’t over till God says it’s over.”  Sometimes God will allow it to get to the point where it seems like it’s absolutely over and then God shows up and makes a way.  If you look back in your history there were many times you thought it was going to be over and it wasn’t.  The Bible is filled with people who thought it was absolutely over for them and God showed up. This is particularly true in the lives of Adam and Eve when they sinned before God.  God could have struck them dead but instead made a way for them.  They encourage us to remember that no matter what we are facing today to never give up hope in God and to remember it’s only over when God says it’s over.
     VFN Torch TOP 3 June 24,2013
John and Pat share about the Top 3 Stories on the VFN Torch on June 24, 2013.



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