Are you Materially Rich and Spiritually Poor?
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, Steve, and Chris discuss former Tiananmen Square leader who was driven to exile and to faith in Jesus Christ and her statement regarding China. She said that China was materially blessed and spiritually poor. They continued to speak about the condition of America and the Church at large and how America and the church have been so blessed in every way but especially in terms of wealth and especially compared to the rest of the world. At the same time we have seen a moral decline. What good is to have all the material possessions without God? They continue to discuss that God doesn’t mind you having things but He certainly minds things having you. This should not be. Many have pursued riches and have abandoned their spirituality in terms of having a relationship with God. The Bible is clear when it says you can’t serve both God and money Mathew 6:24. They encourage us as the Bible does to give thought to our ways and to evaluate whether we are materially rich and spiritually poor and if we are to repent and turn to God.
The Truth Offends those who don’t want to hear the Truth
LISTEN NOW! Steve, Pat, Chris and John discuss how the truth offends those who want to hear the truth. In one account in the Bible the disciples said to Jesus that what He said offended the Pharisees. The reality is that those who refuse to conform to the truth and accept the truth will always be offended when the truth is presented. When we spend time with God ABIDING God will reveal His word, will and ways to us and tell us what we need to hear, truth. We can either be offended by it or embrace it for what it is, love.
No Preacher is Coming; The WHOLE church is going out
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, Steve and Chris discuss the Global Outreach day that mobilized Christians to share the gospel in over 200 nations. They continue to discuss the possibilities of a nation being won for Jesus in a day. It’s going to take the whole church participating in evangelism each one doing our part to reach the world. Charisma news quotes one of the leaders as saying “no preacher is coming; the whole church is going out. “ The first global outreach resulted in the mobilization of 8 million Christians and 3 million people giving their lives to Jesus. They continue to speak about the importance of the whole church participating in the harvest and being a part in what can be a great awakening.