Keys to Evangelizing Muslims
Guinness World Record Holder 86 year old Gymnast
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, Steve, and Chris enjoy talking about Guinness World Record holder Johana; at 86 years old she is the oldest gymnast in the world. They continue to speak of this incredible feat and the strength Johana has at age 86. They encourage us not to fall into mind sets and how they hinder us from activity and strength as we get older. Older doesn’t have to mean weak or slow if we do the right things like taking care of our bodies and eating the right
foods. More strength for more work in the kingdom is a good vision.
Keys to Evangelizing Muslims
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, Steve and Chris discuss keys to evangelizing Muslims. They continue to discuss a new tool in the form of a DVD, “Truth Unlocked”, that equips Christians with an understanding of Muslims and their culture so that Christians can better relate to them. The DVD features former Muslims who have accepted Jesus into their heart sharing wisdom and their journey from Islam to Christianity. They continue to discuss how important it is for us to seek to understand before we seek to be understood when it comes to evangelizing especially when done with people from cultures that are different than our own. Mostafa, who appears on “Truth Unlocked”, says that it is not important for Christians to know the Koran as much as it is more important that they know the Bible. She also encourages Christians to share their personal encounter with Jesus with other Muslims.
Walking out Unconditional love Giving 100% Expecting 0
LISTEN NOW! Steve, John, and Pat discuss John Bevere’s, Bait of Satan and how important it is to walk out unconditional love. Unconditional love means we give 100% and expect 0%. We have to apply God’s word to our heart first before we can apply it to anyone else. If we can’t risk being hurt than we can never give unconditional love. The moment we put expectations on our love we open ourselves up for offense. Freely you have received, freely give Mathew 10:8.
Judeo- Christian Values Forge Bond between Israelis and American
LISTEN NOW! John, Pat, Chris and Steve discuss the Judeo – Christian values that have been forged between Israelis and Americans. In a recent article, Charisma news states “the special ties between the United States and Israel are uniquely driven by a people-to-people, bottom-up relationship, shaped by the American public more than by the American government. U.S. ties with the Jewish state have been exceptionally forged by shared Judeo-Christian values.” According to the Gallup poll “Americans sympathy for Israel is at a high water mark.” This bond precedes any formal ties between governments but rather from Americans and Christians. It is these shared values that unites us with Israel and keeps our attention focused on their safety and posterity.