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Home » Atheist Erect First Monument near Ten Commandment; first of its kind

Atheist Erect First Monument near Ten Commandment; first of its kind

screen capture from youtube.com/Atheist Billboards

LISTEN NOW!  John, Pat, and Steve share about how an atheist erected a monument at the Braden County court house.  According to Huffington post “American Atheists sued to try to have the stone slab with the Ten Commandments taken away from the courthouse lawn in this rural, conservative north Florida town best known for the prison that confines death row inmates. The Community Men’s Fellowship erected the monument in what’s described as a free speech zone. During mediation on the case, the atheist group was told it could have its own monument, too.”  They continued to share how some gathered to protest the monument.  They share how as believers in Jesus Christ we should be more concerned about having the Ten Commandments in our hearts and to look for ways in which we can love those who don’t believe in God into His kingdom. 



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