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GO into the Darkness with the LIGHT

Courtesy of Luca Flor/Shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW! John, Pat and Chris discuss how important it is to go into the darkness with the light of the gospel.  They discuss a couple from Georgia who went to the drug infested slums of Brazil to share the love of Jesus to a people.  CBN reports that American missionary Eric Reese spends his days in the poverty and violence that is there. By doing so, he’s bringing light to one of the darkest slums of Rio de Janeiro.  “I see that every person here is a creation of God. And that when Christ went to the cross, He went to the cross for these people too,” Reese said.”  They continued to discuss how Eric said that it was not about him or his comfort.  What would happen if the church realized that it wasn’t about them but about Jesus and other people?  What would happen if the church would truly appreciate all the Lord has done for them and reach out to others who do not know Him?  Jesus said those who have been forgiven much love much.  When we are truly walking in love we are looking to do for others.  They continue to discuss why they believe America has lasted for so long and concluded maybe it’s because of all the missionaries that have been sent from America all over the world.  Christians need to be in all areas of darkness shedding the light of the gospel while we have time left. 

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