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Home » Muslim Brotherhood in America?

LISTEN NOW: John, Pat and Steve discuss CBN’s recent report how America is ripe for the Muslim Brotherhood agenda.  They share how over a year ago Congress woman Michelle Bachmann raised concern over allegedly alleged members of the Muslim Brotherhood working in the White House.  There have also been concerns regarding former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s personal assistant Huma Abedin having security clearance since her mother, allegedly a member of the Sisterhood and her father was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Dr. Mansour’s interview with CBN correspondent revealed according to Mansour that “They are working in the American community to make it as a fifth column.  “They want to take over any place they are in.”  They continued to share that that the Muslim Brotherhood’s agenda for a Caliphate came to an end in Egypt with the overthrow of President Morsi and any plans for a Caliphate and Sharia to be introduced in the United States should not be accepted.  The supreme law of the United States is the Constitution.  They share how one doesn’t have to look much further than the North Carolina Senate as they consider an anti-Sharia (or Islamic law) bill that passed in the state’s House.  They continue to share how everyone is welcomed to the United States as long as they agree to live by the law of the land, the U.S. Constitution. 



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